****Contact for Author Titus Hoskins & This Site
I am a professionally trained artist and teacher who
has been studying and researching marketing tools
and methods for over 20 Years. I am now a full
time online marketer with numerous sites, including
two niche sites on Internet Marketing.
You are on my first and main site: Bizwaremagic.com which is a broad overview of online marketing.
My initial interest in the web stemmed from my desire to promote my art.
But I soon became much more interested in exploring and dissecting this massive strange new creature. Dissecting is the right word. Artists are never satisfied with the surface of things; nor are teachers for that matter.
What really interested me the most was the heart of the Internet - the search engines.
Complex creatures in their own right and fascinating to behold - especially Google. To get a better understanding of how it all worked, I created my own website to observe things first-hand. Artists do that. Teachers too.
This eventually led me to online marketing and website promotion. Marketing software holds a special interest for me. Anything which makes the webmaster/marketer's job easier and simpler gets my attention.
Marketing tools which help with keyword research, website promotion, link popularity, website management and creation, affiliate marketing, product creation, marketing software... and the list goes on.
Why should any of this be of interest to You?
Because I am keenly interested in finding out for myself what marketing products work and what doesn't. As I find the real 'McGoys' - I will review and list them on this site.
You can: Learn from my mistakes; benefit from my successes or failures for that matter.
My Other Profile Links:
My Marketing Blog: My YouTube Channels:
Contact & Mailing Address For Bizwaremagic.com
BOX 331
Phone #+1.15383576
Please feel free to contact me.
View An Online Sampling of My Art!
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