Top 10 Internet Marketers - Old School To New School
Top 10 Internet Marketers - Old School To New School
Copyright © Titus Hoskins
While reading an interesting post on Neil Shearing's blog about his top 10 influential old time Internet Marketers, I was struck by how similar it was with my own list. For me this is not so much a list but the marketers who have taught me the most about marketing online.
Actually, Neil Shearing is at the top of my own list and it was on his forum 9 or 10 years ago that I was introduced to Internet Marketing. At the time I was a rather ignorant skeptic and thought the whole online scene was one big scam, until I started to examine how online marketing was really done. And getting connected with the right "old time" marketers was half the battle for me. Once I came into contact with marketers like Neil Shearing, Marlon Sanders, Ken Evoy, Corey Rudl... did I really grasp the complete picture and what marketing online was all about.
If you're looking for some guidance with your website and/or your marketing, whether online or off, I would highly recommend you check out some of these marketers. One important tip - most of these marketers have affiliate programs, instead of spending "x" amount of dollars on information products, simply join their affiliate programs and you will get a first-hand training from many of these masters.
For what it's worth, here are my own top 10 Marketers who have influenced me the most, especially when I was first learning all this marketing stuff.
1. Marlon Sanders. Hands down, the marketer who has influenced me the most, Sanders has a great style and presence that can't be ignored. Studying his marketing methods will put you light-years ahead of your competition. And his Dashboard Marketing Products are some of the best on the web. If you have to only pick one mentor or marketer to study - go with Marlon Sanders!
2. Neil Shearing. Very close second for me, especially when I consider he's the main reason I now have over 10 sites and have been working online full-time for over 6 years. His "Internet Success Spider" was the first piece of marketing software I used and I believe you can now get it for free. Shearing really taught me that there are intelligent people on the web and in online marketing. Without the early forum interaction, I don't believe I would have even pursued or considered making a living from the web. After all these years, his emails are only a handful I still bother to read on a regular basis.
3. Ken Evoy. Along with the two above, Ken Evoy and SiteSell have influenced my marketing the most. Solid introduction to how web marketing works and what you have to do to succeed. Ken's whole site building system can be modeled by anyone with some time on their hands. Ken Evoy, along with SiteSell, is what really keeps me informed about all the new marketing tools and methods which are constantly coming down the pipeline.
4. Brad Callen. While he would probably object to being called "old school", Brad is the person that has taught me the most about SEO. The reason Callen is so high on my list is because it was only after reading his advice and using his SEO tools (SEO Elite, Keyword Elite) did I start getting high rankings for my keywords in the search engines, mainly Google. For my marketing funnels, getting targeted traffic is the key to everything.
5. Bob Bly. Copywriting is also another key element to your online marketing, get this wrong and it's game over. That's why Bob Bly and especially his style of writing has influenced my own copy, especially in recent years. His newsletters and emails have greatly influenced my marketing and how I write my web pages and content.
6. Michael Campbell. Another very influential person for me since most of my online sites deal with marketing "real life items" rather than "info products". Selling affiliate products is not a difficult task if you know what you're doing. Campbell is one of the top resources in this field and I have benefited greatly from reading his newsletter and applying his techniques. Also, along with Ken Evoy, he's the one person you should look to for finding new marketing methods.
7. Corey Rudl. No longer with us but Corey's Internet Marketing Center was a big influence on me. Mainly influenced me in regards to email marketing, no one did "email" better than Rudl with the possible exceptions of Mark Joyner and Paul Myers. I received my first affiliate check from his affiliate program and the rest they say is history.
8. Willie Crawford. His marketing articles were some of the first I ever read on the topic and he's still a big influence for me. One of those solid marketers who can really teach you how it's done and what you need to do to succeed.
9. Terry Dean. I can remember one of the first ebooks I ever read was Dean's "How to Start Your Own Traffic Virus" and over the years this book has influenced me and my marketing greatly. Believe Dean left online marketing for a while but is back now with a coaching program. (
10. Rosalind Gardner. Rosalind, along with Tinu Abayomi-Paul, are the only two women that have influenced my marketing. Again, not strictly "old school" but they have influenced my marketing, especially Rosalind with her affiliate marketing tactics. Tinu is one of my newer influences and I am constantly learning new traffic methods from her.
Internet marketing is like any other topic of interest, you must seek out the people who are tops in their field and know their stuff. Connecting with these marketers, their sites, affiliate programs, newsletters... is still one of the best ways to learn how to market online - old school or new school. Hopefully, like in my case, some of their magic will also rub off on you!
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My name is Titus Hoskins and I am an artist, writer and webmaster. I am also a
former art teacher who has
been a full-time Online
Professional Marketer for the
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