Google's New Search Engine: YouTube
A light-hearted, yet serious look at how Google may use YouTube in
the coming years, especially in regards to organic search results.

My name is Titus Hoskins
and I am an artist, writer
and webmaster. I am also a
former art teacher who has
been a full-time Online
Professional Marketer for the
last 8 years. is my main website, but I have
many more. You can follow me on Twitter, Linkedin
and Google+.
Google's New Search Engine: YouTube
Copyright © 2010 Titus Hoskins
Figuring out Google's true game plan offers endless amusement for a
professional online affiliate marketer like myself. Countless hours
and days are spent just trying to figure Google's next moves.
Since my livelihood depends upon it, keeping a close eye on the search
engines (especially Google) comes second nature to me. In the process,
I sometimes have to speculate and form opinions that may not be in the
mainstream or in many cases, opinions and views which appear completely
ridiculous to anyone who is not practicing the world's youngest profession
- Internet Marketing.
Recent changes within both Google and YouTube have sent my thought processes
into overdrive - I just love connecting the dots, imaginary or otherwise!
What changes you ask?
Well, for one Google has moved all its YouTube users into its Google Accounts.
This means you can no longer logon to your YouTube account using your old
username and password - you have to now logon through your Google Account.
Small change you say.
Not really.
This now means Google has moved all those countless YouTube subscribers
directly into its main system. It probably makes utilizing all those vital
stats and user information much more easier to process, especially when it
comes to Google's search engine. Manipulating data and collecting web user
behavior is Google's lifeblood, getting this constant flow of raw YouTube
data is like a major transfusion for Google. If Google were a vampire, it
would be like getting a fresh blood source every millisecond - sorry I have
been watching too many episodes of True Blood lately.
YouTube, which is owned by Google, is the premier source for videos on the
web. Alexa ranks it third in terms of traffic on the web, after Google and
FaceBook. However, making it pay or justifying its enormous cost to its
shareholders must be somewhat of a headache for Google. Adding Adsense
codes to the videos helped solve this problem and made YouTube more viable,
but further justification was probably needed and demanded.
How can YouTube be used as a search engine? More importantly, how can
YouTube's constant flow of real live surfers' ratings and behavior data
make Google a better search engine?
Recently, many changes were made in the YouTube interface, especially in
how users could rate the videos displayed. Gone was the popular Five-Star
system, only to be replaced with the simple Like or Dislike buttons, a
system which would seem familiar to any FaceBook user. A much more Black
or White rating system, no more gray areas to contend with if you're a major
search engine processing endless amounts of data every millisecond.
Now here is where the speculation comes in, one can't help but look at all
these changes from a "search engine" angle. Google's main problem has been
the unstoppable buying and selling of links among websites and web marketers,
making Google's organic search results more or less corporate billboards for
the individuals and companies with the biggest budgets to spend on SEO services
and keyword manipulation. Getting true democratic listings and rankings have
become nearly impossible, even for a search engine with Googlian resources
like Google.
That's where YouTube's true worth is paying off for Google. It has actual
ratings by actual "real live" web users and not some fake phantom systems
constructed and used to influence organic search. Valuable subscriber data
and opinions which can help Google democratically rank web content, which was
the original goal of Google in the first place.
Social networks and bookmarking sites are playing an ever increasing role in
organic search simply because their ranking/rating systems are much, much more
difficult to manipulate by the hordes of multi-national companies just now
realizing the true commercial value of organic search. As these deep-pocketed
companies bombard the search engines with bought links and content, more truly
democratic rating systems like those in YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter... will become
much more valuable.
These web-based and community driven ranking and review systems will no doubt
be the future of online search. These actual comsumer reviews and user ratings
will dominate organic search in the search engines of tommorrow.
In addition, videos are becoming more and more common in SERPs and having a
massive rating system such as YouTube will be invaluable to Google in the
coming years. Turning YouTube into more of a search engine could really prove
to be a very smart move on Google's part, especially when you consider FaceBook
is developing its own rating system and stepping into the search engine arena.
And you thought YouTube consisted only of pimply-faced kids showing the latest
wedgie video - silly you.
All views, opinions and conclusions are solely those of the author, who is a
full-time online affiliate marketer. He runs numerous niche sites, including
two highly ranked sites on Internet Marketing Tools. To get valuable marketing
tips for free click here: free marketing courses
Titus Hoskins Copyright 2010.
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