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Custom Built Notebooks
Build Your Own Notebook Computer
Compiled and Written by Titus HoskinsIn a cookie cutter world, getting something custom made to your own specific requirements, holds a special appeal for many. It can also be a cost effective way to buy your notebook computer - you get only the specifications you want, eliminating elements/components you will never need or use.
In the short term, getting a custom built notebook may be more expensive than buying a notebook off the shelf. However, in the long run, getting an extremely well built machine can save you money in repair costs and downtime. Not to mention the pride of owning a high quality performance machine.
Purchasing a custom built notebook is something you should consider if you're in the market for a notebook.
For gamers and computer aficionados, getting an uniquely designed computer can hold an even greater appeal. Usually, gamers want their machines maxed to the limit, with the highest specs, (with the hard drive, RAM, video memory, and drive speed at their highest limits). They also want the latest graphic and gaming technology that's available.
For that next LAN party, they want all this techno avant-garde gear presented in a glorious package - the more eye-catching, the more mouth watering, the more cool the design - the better. Many companies have entered into the manufacture of custom built notebook computers. Mainly, appealing to the gaming market, these companies produce top-of-line notebooks or laptops.
Here's a brief rundown of some of the companies you should consider if you're in the market for a custom built computer or if you're just looking for the ultimate dream machine.
Stop the Press! Rockdirect introduces Xtreme 64, the World's first Dual Core Notebook with ATI’s Mobility Radeon X800 XT graphics... Read More
RockDirect is an UK company that offers a 3 year collect and return on all their custom built notebooks. They produce top-of-the-line notebooks which may appeal to gamers and those who want the best in everything. The money-is-no-object clique will definitely be interested in these high-style, high- quality UK Laptops.
Not too many notebooks come hand-painted! You can pick your own color.
Most of RockDirect's computers are highly rated, the Rock Quaddra Ti may appeal to those looking for 'desktop replacement' or the gamers should have a look at Rock Xtreme. Those in the market for a quality 'thin & light' should consider the Pegasus Ti.
It should be noted that Rock's notebooks comes with the latest PCI Express x16 ATI Mobility X800 graphics chip but you can upgrade the graphics processor unit when new graphics cards hit the market - thus saving you money and will give you the highest gaming performance for years to come.
It should also be noted, that's there's usually a new generation of 'mobile notebook technology' coming along every two years or so.
Those looking for an 'out-of-this-world' notebook should look to Alienware! It produces uniquely looking PCs that will, no doubt, appeal to gamers and those wanting something a little different. Check out Alienware 17 if you're in the market for a gaming notebook.
Hand-crafted machines that also have their own style and look - including a distinctive custom Tattoo for the exterior. Again, mainly marketed to the gaming crowd, although anyone can enjoy these well crafted machines. Update: HP took over Voodoo and the brand has now pretty much disappeared.
Acer Ferrari
Not exactly a custom built notebook, those looking for a distinct, spectacularly designed machine should check out the Acer Ferrari 3400LMi. Other notebooks may give you better performance but few will give you the 'looks' that this luxury item processes. A real head turner.
Other Makers
It should be noted that many of the major notebook companies will build a computer notebook to your specs. Try MSI, ASUS for starters. Picking only the requirements that you need can save you a lot of money in the purchase of your notebook computer. Selecting the components that you need and eliminating the ones you don't need.
So before you buy your notebook computer, consider getting a custom built machine that has your own stamp on it. Get the specs and components that you need to get your job done. In the process, you may even save yourself some money and you will also get something unique that you will enjoy for years to come.
When buying your next notebook, go the custom built route if you can afford it.
Most serious gamers are an impatient lot, most want instant gratification. Nature of the beast! However, if you're planning on ordering a custom made gaming laptop configged to your own specs from manufacturers such as Alienware or Rockdirect there is usually a waiting period before you take possession of your dream machine. Keep this in mind, if you're ordering one of these machines for yourself or as a gift for the upcoming holidays. So you won't be disappointed - it's best to order today.
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