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Notebook Computer Terms
... Processor or CPU
CPU or Central Processing Unit, you probably know it as the processor. It's the heart or rather the brain of your notebook or computer.
It does all your computer's data processing and applications. Since it does most of the work, it's usually the most expensive part of your notebook computer.
Intel Pentium M processors were commonly found in a lot of the first notebooks. These days many of the current laptops and desktops will have Intel Core i3, i5 or i7 (Sandy Bridge) chipsets or processors.
In the beginning of 2012, we are seeing the introduction of Intel 3rd Generation Core processors, referred to as Ivy Bridge CPUs. These latest processors offer better performance but most of all, they offer much better graphics and much longer battery life.
Should I still buy an Intel Core Sanday Bridge laptop?
Yes, there is nothing wrong with buying these 2nd Generation processors, actually as the new 3rd Generation ones come onto the market, you can expect to get some great discount and bargain on the slightly older processors.
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