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Notebook Computer Terms
... Parallel & Serial ATA Hard Drives
SATA is a type of hard drive and stands for Serial Advanced Technology Architecture. It was developed by a whole group of companies including Seagate, Intel, Maxtor, Dell and others. SATA transmit data in a serially (in a single stream) as opposed to PATA or Parallel ATA which is commonly referred to as an IDE hard drive.
Serial ATA hard drives uses less power and are ideal for notebook computers, they are also more advanced than PATA hard drives which uses multipe streams of data - go figure! But Serial Technology carries data in a single stream and unlike PATA is not limited to a particular clock speed, Serial transfers data packets almost 30 times faster than parallel.
If top performance in your notebook is one of your goals, go with a SATA hard drive.
In a hard drive - you'll probably only need a 20GB or 30GB Hard Drive for most tasks on your notebook. If you handle large graphics or large amount of files (dvd, M3Ps, etc.) you need more - 50 to 60GB or higher. Many notebooks are now coming with 100 GB Hard Drives - great for storing all your favorite movies and CDs.
Tip -- You might also want to check the rotational speed of your notebook's hard disk as it can affect performance a 5,400rpm notebook disk is much faster than a 4,200rpm model. How fast the disk spins, will also determine the performance level of your notebook.
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