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Notebook Computer Terms
... CPU
CPU or Central Processing Unit, you probably know it as the processor! It's the heart or rather the brains of your notebook or computer.
It does all your computer's data processing and applications. Since it does most of the work, it's usually the most expensive part of your notebook computer.
Intel Pentium M processors are commonly found in a lot of notebooks and laptops. Intel Duo core processors followed those CPUs.
These days we have the Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processors which are often referred to as Sandy Bridge processors. Within the next few years, Intel will debut the Ivy Bridge platform which will take your computer processing to a whole new level.
You can find out more about Sandy Bridge processors here.
The two main CPU manufacturers are Intel and AMD. Both produce a whole range of processors for the marketplace. In your computer or laptop, the CPU is connected to the motherboard.
Since many CPUs can give off a lot of heat, there is a need for fans or a cooling system to keep your computer running without overheating. This cooling factor is especially important for gaming notebooks and PCs, since the graphics card or cards can also produce a large amount of heat.
If you want to find out more about CPUs and how they function, just watch this informative YouTube video entitled:
"From sand to chip - How a CPU is made"
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