**** BizWare Magic's Opt-in Newsletter
April 8, 2004 - Build Your Own Knowledge Bank
A Simple Way to Build an Internet Marketing Database
BizWareMagic's List Building News
To Your List Building Success.
April 8, 2004
LIST BUILDING HELP. What Works; What Doesn't Work.
Hello everyone, and a Warm Welcome to all new subscribers!
Keeping it real short and simple again this week; spring has sprung in this part of the world and it's hard to stay on the computer all day.
Hope you're also enjoying spring in your bit of the world - it has to be the best season of the year. Still, I hope you can take a minutes to read this article. It might just help you.
Feature Article by Bizwaremagic.com
What's in Your Inbox?
(How to Use Email to Build a Knowledge Bank)
Email has become a daily part of life for millions of internet users. It is already the most frequently used application on the Internet. By 2005, International Data Corporation (IDC) has predicted that 35 billion emails will be sent each day.
Email also has to be listed as one of the most innovative business tools of the last 25 years.
It has become common knowledge that building a responsive email contact list is one of the fastest ways to make a profit online.
Can you imagine running your Internet business without email? Not likely.
But there's another aspect of email that is sometimes overlooked - it's a great source of information.
No, we are not talking about the latest spam; offering us videos of the latest celebrity caught with her/his naughty bits exposed. Nor, are we talking about the spam that wants to enhance our body parts, keep us 'in the mood' all weekend, or supply us with every drug imaginable.
No, we are talking about email - that great educational tool.
Email - a great Educational Tool?
Yes, used properly, email can be your best source of free educational information.
Countless sites - commercial and non-commercial - offer excellent, detailed, and comprehensive information on their chosen topic.
Most will send this information to you for free.
Many sites, as a means of proving their expertise and gaining their customers' trust, offer this great informative content through their email programs at no cost to you.
Why? Because they know, offering free email courses and publishing newsletters are some of the best ways of building a relationship with their subscribers and visitors.
Top-notch courses and advice that can prove determental to your success on the internet.
Are you taking full advantage of your email?
Here's a simple system anyone can set up. Subscribe to numerous Newsletters and E-courses on your chosen topic (in our case: Internet Marketing) and then as these emails arrive at your inbox - after you have read them - don't delete them but file them away in different folders.
Or if that's too much trouble - just use an email client such as Outlook Express and let the emails pile up.
Don't delete it; bank it.
When you need to find a particular 'bit of information', click the 'from' button in the toolbar and all your Newsletters and E-courses will be listed and ready for you to access.
Here's a sample 'Reference Center' or 'Knowledge Bank' on Internet Marketing you can build very quickly. Subscribe to Trafficology.com at their site https://www.trafficology.com
(Make sure you also sign up for their email course on marketing.) This course and newsletter will provide you with the Vital Key to the success of any Internet venture: traffic.
Then Subscribe to the Newsletters/E-courses offered by the following: Marketing:
Marlon Sanders https://www.amazingformula.com
Neil Shearing https://www.scamfreezone.com
Dr. Ralph Wilson https://www.wilsonweb.com
David Vallieres https://www.infoproductlab.com
Willie Crawford https://www.williecrawford.com
Corey Rudl https://www.marketingtips.com
Search Engines: Webpronews https://www.webpronews.com
Site Building: Ken Evoy https://www.sitesell.com
Phil Wiley https://www.ozemedia.com
List Building:
Paul Myers https://www.talkbiznews.com
Joel Christopher https://www.MasterListBuilder.com
Michel Fortin https://SuccessDoctor.com
Kevin Nunley https://DrNunley.com
Ted Nicholas https://www.turnwords.com/
We could have easily suggested hundreds more sites to this list; but this will do as a good starting point. The idea is to acquire different opinions and views from numerous marketers and build your own 'easily accessable' knowledge bank.
Let these newsletters and e-courses accumulate for one or two years and pretty soon you will have a great 'Reference' center sitting on your desktop. Just hit the 'from' button.
You will be amazed at the amount of information and resources that will be at your fingertips. So next time don't delete those newsletters and courses - save them. You will have a wealth of information that will reward you time and time again.
Take full advantage of your email system and you will soon appreciate what a great educational tool it actually is - just try it.
Now, what's in your inbox?
Copyright 2004 by Bizwaremagic.com
To your list building success.
Kind Regards,
Titus Hoskins
"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." Malcolm Forbes (1919 - 1990
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My name is Titus Hoskins and I am an artist, writer and webmaster. I am also a
former art teacher who has
been a full-time Online
Professional Marketer for the
last 10 years.
Bizwaremagic.com is my main website, but I have
many more. You can follow me on Twitter or Linkedin.
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