How To Find The Best Online Deals
4 Nifty Ways To Find The Best Black Friday Deals (Or Any Online Deal For That Matter)
Written by Titus Hoskins
Each year as the Halloween decorations slowly disappear, and the kids come back down from their sugar highs, there looms another monster on our yearly events calendar. No, we are not talking about ThanksGiving, but the day after which is commonly called Black Friday. Supposedly Black Friday got its name because that's the day merchants go in the black and start earning a profit.
Regardless, Black Friday and its side-kick Cyber Monday have become the premier bargain hunting events of the year. Merchants and retailers have jumped on these shopping days and try to out-do one another by offering some of the best deals of the year. For the savvy holiday shopper, this is a great opportunity to find the product they want at the cheapest bargain-basement price.
However, unless you act wisely, all these Black Friday deals and offers can appear to be one big bundle of noise hitting you in the face or more precisely your wallet. In order to make sense of all these offers, you really do need some sort of online shopping strategy. Yes, it has come down to this obvious fact, you now need a shopping strategy if you want to get the best deals. You can thank the Internet...
If you're shopping online or even in the real world for that matter, there are many helpful tools, sites and things you can do to make your job easier. These are simple tactics or things you can do to make sure you get the best deals on Black Friday. If you're computer/web savvy you will probably already know about these methods, and you just have to apply them to your online shopping. However, for those who need a little extra help, here goes...
Using Hashtags is a very convenient way of grouping/labeling topics, products and events happening on the web. Hashtags are often used on the social media sites such as Twitter, Google+, Facebook... to find what you're looking for on the web. For example, a trending topic will be given hashtag with the "#" symbol and all current tweets/content relating to this hashtag will be listed. On Black Friday and Cyber Monday you can utilize hashtags to find the best deals/offers on the products you want to buy. Even just searching or following the general #blackfriday hashtag will bring up many of the latest bargains and deals.
Comparison Shopping Engines/Sites/Apps
There are many comparison shopping sites and engines on the web which you can use to get the best deal on Black Friday. Comparing prices is one of the best ways to precede as long as you also consider the ratings and customer support of the retailer or merchant in question. Paying the cheapest price is not a good deal if you receive horrible service and/or support. To get you started try Google Shopping and
Coupons Sites
Similar to the comparison shopping sites, there are many coupons sites on the web. These sites present the latest offers and discounts from a wide variety of retailers and manufacturers. Becoming a member of these and/or placing your name on an email list to get notifications of the best offers can also prove very helpful with finding the best Black Friday deals. Try Coupons.comand eBates. which has just released a Black Friday App for finding the best deals.
Google Alerts
If you're pressed for time, another handy tool to use is Google Alerts. With this free program, Google lets you create alerts for any keyword or phrase on the web you want to follow - once Google finds/indexes the latest content relating to your phrase/keyword, Google will send you an email. For example, you could create a Google Alert for something like "Black Friday Deals" or more specific "ASUS G750JX-DB71 Laptop" and then receive email alerts when any webpages relating to those keywords are found on the web. Let Google do the heavy-lifting for you.
Go One Step Further - Buying Guides and Gift Guides
One last piece of advice, if you're buying something like a pair of socks using the above methods will do nicely and considering all the resources at your fingertips, you should be able to find the best deal. However, if you're purchasing a more complex item such as a high-tech gadget or product, you might want to add a preliminary element to your search - i.e. do some research on the product you're buying. In other words, if you're shopping for something like the latest high-performance gaming laptop, you might want to do some knowledge-hunting before you buy. Thankfully, because of the nature of the Internet and how the search engines reward quality sites with helpful information, you shouldn't have any trouble finding online videos/articles/guides on the particular product you're considering. There's nothing to gain in finding a cheap bargain only to discover later the purchased item can't perform the tasks you want done. Do some solid research first to make sure you not only get a great deal but also find the exact product you want to have in your bag of goodies. Happy Bargain Hunting - Go Get 'em!
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